I can divide myself into two bottles. Each bottle holds one half a liter of water. One half a liter of water is the same as five hundred milliliters. (500ml)
When I am full, I hold one thousand milliliters of water. (1000ml)
L (litre)
Hello Girls and Boys.
My name is L. I am
Cubee "D" s assistant. Cubee "D" measures lines, areas and volumes.
I measure capacity. That means how much liquid or gas a container can hold. I can also change my shape.
Rectangular Prisms
I can transform into a rectangular prism.
A rectangular prism is a solid and all the sides are rectangles.
Here are five rectangular prisms. Each 200ml juice box is made from cardboard.
I can change into the shape of a cylinder. A cylinder has solid straight sides and a round top and bottom.
I can hold almost three diet coke cans. I am strong because I can hold a gas called carbon dioxide. This gives the fizz to Diet Coke.
Five Rectangular Prisms